You will be with me.
I will not let you go.
No. No, I won’t.
Yes, of course I will.
I would not bind
To this sodden life.
But in the same time,
In the same word,
In the same spirit,
I will not let you go.
I will see you
In the dishes
That I wash,
In the silver
That I store.
I will hear your
Voice in the sounds of the house,
In the rising up and the lying down.
I will hold you until
We are together
Yet again,
For a longer while
In another space,
At another time.
Susan Patterson
A Suggestion for Tea-
I would like to recommend Glenburn Estate, http://www.glenburnteadirect.com/. This company is also award winning in its excellence. Not only will you enjoy their pure teas, but I bet that you will also love their bath products. I am particularly addicted to their Darjeeling Green Tea hand and body lotion. You also might want to venture a trip and stay at their resort estate! Please take a look at their web site and pick a tea to try.
By all means, let me know what you think of Smith Teas, Nina's Paris Teas, and Glenburn Estate Teas. I am interested to hear. skp