The Good Love Will Be Timeless,
The Great Love Will Be Endless
They wanted and waited
For nothing.
Time was neither a
Friend nor an enemy.
It wasn’t really part of their life.
Time belonged to other people,
As did politics
And occupation
And rush.
Theirs was a world of
Tranquility by demand,
Intellect by nature,
Detachment by choice.
Love had found them young
And they claimed it
As their past and future.
There is no doubt,
No fear,
No need for explanation.
And so it will be,
No matter what.
Susan Patterson
Audio and Author Comment~
Oh, that we could ignore the world and all of its stress. Maybe finding the right partner is the answer. Maybe finding the right occupation, the perfect place to live are answers as well. There could be a myriad of ways to protect oneself from the clatter of the world. Deep in our soul each of us can find a way. Maybe it is fighting for what is right. Maybe it is stealing away with the love of your life. skp
Passions Now Available
The poem featured in this week's Causerie can be found in our new book, Passions. You may buy your copies at The book is on sale for $10.00, no limit in purchase. You will find the book filled with love stories that are beautiful; some bold and some bawdy; but all respectful of the love human nature can produce. Reading Passions will simply make you feel wonderful! If you would like an autographed copy, please email Susan Patterson direct at [email protected] |