We spend the first part of our life
Learning what we can do.
We spend the last part of our life
Learning what we can’t do.
The real difficulty,
Like discerning
The chameleon
From the tree,
Lies in knowing
The difference.
Susan Patterson
April 2012
Audio: The Most Basic of Acquired Astuteness
Discussion: The Most Basic of Acquired Astuteness
I think that one is not born being astute. But it is a capability that is quickly learned. How good one becomes at being astute may take time, sometimes years. But in life it is important to know what works, what one is capable of, and what one should not even try. Further, that which we can do at a certain time in our lives, we may not be able to do at times. Knowing our capabilities is an integral part of a fulfilling, sometimes exciting and sometimes peaceful life.
A Recommendation for Tomato Soup, of All Things
Now the directions call for adding three quarters of a cup of heavy cream while you heat the soup in a pan. I do this. But, if you are watching calories, then you might try almond milk or another lighter milk product. When I was young and very thin, my mother used to add canned milk and butter to Campbell's tomato soup. It thought it was fabulous. Well, of course it doesn't hold a candle to the really great Nordstrom tomato soup. I urge you to give it a try. If you are not around a Nordstrom store, I am so sorry to have teased you.

Wildlife Comes to Dinner
The racoons climbing a tree just few feet from our dining room window don't even try to blend in. They just help themselves to whatever food they might find.
Our night time guests generally make a mess of things, but we are happy to leave them be...as long as they don't come into the house through the kitty door!