The Lament of the New Butterfly
There is yellow
Coming out of
Things in the yard.
There is a lighter
Shade of green
Out there as well.
It must be Spring.
When did that happen?
I was quite liking my
Brown and grey cocoon,
So safe and quiet.
Now, I will have to unfold my wings.
I liked being wrapped up in my self.
I liked not seeing anything else but
The inside of me.
And now with my wings unfolded,
(But, oh, my Lord, aren’t they gorgeous!)
With them ready to go,
I am expected to flit and fly
Visiting other creatures, that
I can only tolerate for a moment or two.
Oh, Spring, what hast thou done to me!
Susan Patterson
I trot out this oldie but goodie poem almost every spring. It makes me laugh. This poor butterfly is destined to be beautiful and busy flitting around. But, no, it just wants to be warm and brown. Ah, isn't it the way it is so often in life?
And, because I posted 'The Lament of the New Butterfly' often, I am posting a second poem,
The Usual Protestations'. Enjoy.
‘To you my dear.’
A cup of tea is lifted
Out of respect
And in love.
‘No, no, no to you!’
A glass of wine
Is raised
In dissent.
They bicker
Back and forth
In mock challenge,
Neither of them
Prevailing in the
Comic dispute.
It doesn’t matter
Who is victorious.
Such battles are common,
In their very uncommon life.
Susan Patterson
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Happy Spring to you all!