Audio and Discussion-
Come with me into my fantasy of winter
Where snow falls softly and all is silent,
Where each and every creature has a
Warm place without fear of cold or death.
Come with me into my fantasy
Where we will have tea in my parlour and
Savour each quiet moment of peace
And revel in our own little world of Grace.
Susan Patterson 2003
Earlene Grey - A Literary Company

When Susan Patterson first started writing, she didn't want anyone to know what she was doing. Crazy, yes. Yet, Susan Patterson took the pen name of Earlene Grey. It was a play on the name of Earl Grey tea, you see. She wrote a lot of poetry with references to tea. Clever? Not so much.
Eventually Miz Grey wrote less and less tea poetry. Eventually Miz Grey realized that a pen name was not necessary. So, Susan Patterson wrote under her own name. Finally.
Still, the name of the company that produces the books is Earlene Grey. Kinda like Helena Rubenstein or Coco Channel or Estee Lauder. It's better than Poems R Us, isn't it?
Susan Patterson books available at
Musings With a Cuppa-The Poetry of Tea
Heart to Heart-Considered Sentiments for Teatime
Tom and Irma-Chronicles of the 1950's
Unnoticed Moments