I have been told that there
Will be good times.
That the time for struggle has passed.
And the time to rest in now.
All will be taken care of.
Good things will come.
So if you please, my Dear,
Have tea with me and
Let us enjoy with confidence
And without cruel reserve
The anticipating of our peace.
Susan Patterson
Audio and Discussion-
I cannot disagree that there is a lot of work we humans need to do to clean up the messes we have made and to rise to a higher lever of existence. But that work actually may be happening and we just don't pay attention to it. For example, a major religion has just elected Pope Francis, and he seems to be shaking up the Catholic church quite a bit. We have very strong women leaders in the world who are turning things around. Human rights is something that is expected and demanded. World leaders have met and will meet again this spring to address the human caused climate threat to the earth.
Bill Gates, will give you nine reasons why the world is getting better. This is worth looking at. http://www.buzzfeed.com/regajha/12-ways-the-world-is-better-than-ever-according-to-bill-and#.hqyRKyVeVn Mr. Gates' reasons are very compelling.
Closer to home, I know several mothers whose grown children are finally coming around to making good and sound decisions for their lives. (That is a huge deal for a mother!) Look around your own back yard, so to speak. Are there some things that are better? I do hope so. We are so very inundated with bad news 24 hours a day, that it is difficult to see the good. I think it is out there, just beyond the morning sky. It is coming with the new day. skp
The Comforts of Home

Louie and his brother, Dewey, spend quite a bit of time at our house. At any given moment we have 3 - 5 orange cats wanting something or another. It is extremely difficult to have a lap-free moment at our house. Nevertheless, every animal should have a good and safe place to live.
Earlene Grey