Lovers Are to the World
As Shoots Are to the Landscape
Up, from the scorched earth
Where a volcano has
Laid down acres of cypress and cedars;
Up, out of the blackened forest where
Burned ghosts of trees
Stand silhouetted against.
The cold sky;
Up out of the cracks
In roadways and pathways
Where cemented slabs
Cover the birthing soil;
Up, out of all of these,
Green shoots grow,
Waving towards the blue.
Sprouts that make
New cedars to stand straight.
New willows to bend.
New grasses to feed upon.
Are the lovers
Who stand tall
Among us and
Dare to inherently
Know what light is
And to reach for it.
Susan Patterson
Audio for An Analogy…
That is the way with people in love, either in love with another person, or with life itself. Don't we stand just a little straighter when we are in love? Lovers sometimes grow through the hardness or muck of life, reaching up to the light, waving like green shoots. They are so beautiful, changing the landscape around them.
Arts Alliance:
Clackamas County Arts Alliance speaks up and steps up for all the arts throughout the county. CCAA knows that our local arts industry is good for business and good for healthy communities -- and they spread that message widely. In fact, you can sign up for a weekly email notice announcing art events happening in the County for the upcoming week end. Pick and choose what fits your tastes and interests, then have a wonderful time attending! I always look to see what art affairs are taking place in our county. Now, being a somewhat 'stay-at-home' couple, my husband and I don't get to many of the events, but that should not stop you and yours from taking part. ;-)
CCAA is a unified voice for Clackamas arts and culture. Help make that voice loud and clear by adding your own: sign up on the Arts Alliance list and enjoy Clackamas art.