Somewhere between maturity
And senility is a great deal of wisdom.
It is after the children have gone, after
She has learned to cook well.
After the men have quit
It is before she is so different
That people no longer take heed.
During that time, a precious few years,
She knows a lot.
The smart ones tell other women.
The smart ones do not hesitate to speak.
The smart few do not hesitate to listen.
Susan Patterson
After I wrote this poem last year, someone suggested that I should not specify female wisdom; that this poem could be referring to males as well, and that I should make it unisex. Yes, it is true, that both men and women have wisdom. But, I am choosing here to discuss the female sense.
However, it does seem that in this society men are more respected as they age, women are often considered out of touch or silly. Whether this true or not is up for debate, of course. Women are certainly more respected than they used to be, but I believe there is a ways to go yet to gain appropriate consideration.
Simply put, this poem says that women have a great deal of wisdom and that we should pay attention when it is available to us. Do you agree?